Featured Properties
Nearest 4-Lane Highway: US-18/IA-27, 1 mile
Nearest Commercial Airport: MCMA, 3 miles
Rail Served: Yes
Approximately 100 acres are available for light industrial use and 100 for heavy industrial use. Southwest side of Mason City immediately south of State Highway 122 (1 of 3 four-lane highways in Mason City) and west of Eisenhower Avenue. Newly developing industrial area. This site sits across from Smithfield Foods, Woodharbor Doors and Cabinetry, and Cartersville Elevator. It is also a center for new retail activity, including a Wal-Mart Super Center, Best Buy, Kohls, etc. Available: 2.28-60 acres. Attractive financial incentives, fully-serviced sites, restaurants, hotels, retail nearby, active rail service and close proximity to I-35, Avenue of the Saints (St. Paul to St. Louis) and IA-122 (all divided 4-lanes). Large available workforce. View Property Listing
Contact: locate@northiowacorridor.com