John Pappajohn Center
Whether you are thinking about starting a business or growing an existing company, the NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center offers business tools and educational opportunities to assist you. If you are looking for assistance with exploring financial resources, developing a business plan or networking sessions, the staff at the NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center are eager to meet with you to discuss your business operation. JPEC is located on the North Iowa Area Community College campus in Mason City.
For more information, visit
NIACC JPEC Entrepreneurial Ladder Chart
Business Incubator
The incubator is an integral part of a comprehensive economic development plan for the nine county NIACC service area. Developing local, homegrown businesses complements regional efforts to encourage expansion, retention and attraction of companies. The long-range goal is to create new, stable and successful businesses that contribute to the general economic health of the area, increase employment opportunities and add to the variety of products and services available to its citizens.
For more information, visit